Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 2, 1-16-2011


Waking up in Florence was lazy and relaxed. We used Walmart for bathroom needs again, and waited around for the garage to open at 1:30 so that someone could help us check our tire pressure. This isn't as bad as it sounds; the rear tires are dual mounted, and the outer ones don't have an extension, making the valve really hard to access. We figured we were doing something wrong, but the mechanic, who initially gave us a check-your-tire-pressure-please look, wasn't able to do any better than us. Which was good for our egos, but not so good for the tires. They looked a little low, and we knew we would have to figure out a good way to check them soon.

One of the cool things about driving in and out of Florence was seeing all of the locally owned businesses. Not just the common small businesses that you would expect to see, but larger things, like the bowling alley (as opposed to AMF), The Julia Theater (a really cool 4 screen movie palace), and random video stores (not Blockbuster). Seeing businesses like these surviving both the national chains and the recent recession was really impressive and definitely not what we'd expected to find in the smaller towns.

We left Florence at about 3, and took 95 South to Savannah. Our friend Summer now lives in Philly, and Laura was in Tampa that night. We had just missed seeing her. Kylesa played a “Metal Homecoming” show on Friday, and immediately left town on tour again. The local free weekly, Connect, had a cover article on them titled Heavy Duty. But that's all we got of our friend. Oh, and Ward forgot that Jennylyn, his friend since high school days, lived in Savannah, so we spent the night friendless in this great city.

So, with nothing to do, and nowhere in particular to stay, we parked off of Forsyth Park in front of what looked like a million dollar, ante-bellum Savannah mansion. Southern hospitality did us well, and they residents of this beautiful street put up no fuss over our RV.

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